This document provides reference material to several topics which could not be treated completely in the User's Guide.
Range Type | Constant | Value | Arguments | Description |
IntervalRange | AP_INTERVAL_RANGE | 1 | stepwidth | Iterates from jd_start to jd_end in steps of stepwidth days. |
AspectRange | AP_ASPECT_RANGE | 2 | planet1;planet2;angle | Scans all occurrences of the angle angle between planet1 and planet2. The orientation (i.e. which planet comes first) doesn't matter. The planet numbers refer to the current customizing. |
TransitRange | AP_TRANSIT_RANGE | 3 | planet;position | All transits of the given planet over the specified position. |
IngressRange | AP_INGRESS_RANGE | 4 | planet | All ingresses of the given planet into any zodiac sign. |
CardinalIngressRange | AP_CARDINAL_INGRESS_RANGE | 5 | planet | All ingresses of the given planet into a cardinal sign. |
SyzygyRange | AP_SYZYGY_RANGE | 6 | All syzygies (full and new moons) in the given time span. | |
NewMoonRange | AP_NEW_MOON_RANGE | 7 | All new moons in the given time span. | |
FullMoonRange | AP_FULL_MOON_RANGE | 8 | All full moons in the given time span. | |
ParallelRange | AP_PARALLEL_RANGE | 9 | planet1;planet2 | All parallel aspects between planet1 and planet2 in the given time span. |
RisingRange | AP_RISING_RANGE | 10 | planet | All rising times of planet in the given time span. |
EquatorCrossingRange | AP_EQUATOR_CROSSING_RANGE | 11 | planet | All the times when planet has zero declination. |
EclipticCrossingRange | AP_ECLIPTIC_CROSSING_RANGE | 12 | planet | All the times when planet has zero ecliptical latitude. |
ExtremalDistanceRange | AP_EXTREMAL_DISTANCE_RANGE | 13 | planet | All the times when planet achieves the apogee or perigee (or aphelion, perihelion, if option helio is active). |
ExtremalLatitudeRange | AP_EXTREMAL_LATITUDE_RANGE | 14 | planet | All the times when planet achieves its maximum ecliptical latitude (i.e. distance from the ecliptic). |
StationaryRange | AP_STATIONARY_RANGE | 15 | planet | All the times when planet has velocity zero in the ecliptical part of its motion. |
SolarRange | AP_SOLAR_RANGE | 51 | All solar returns of the reference horoscope in the time span between jd_from and jd_to | |
LunarRange | AP_LUNAR_RANGE | 52 | All (zodiacal) lunar returns of the reference horoscope in the time span between jd_from and jd_to | |
DiurnalHoroscopeRange | AP_DIURNAL_HOROSCOPE_RANGE | 53 | All diurnal horoscopes in the given time span (daily horoscopes, cast on the LMT of the natal chart). | |
ListRange | AP_LIST_RANGE | 16 | filename | The argument is the name of a CSV file containing the list data to be entered. Alternatively, the records of the list can pe passed one after one using ap_add_to_list_range |
Pattern Type | Constant | Value | Arguments | Description |
AlwaysTruePattern | AP_PATTERN_ALWAYS_TRUE | 1 | Only for test cases – this Pattern function always yields the boolean value 1 = true. | |
ElementPattern | AP_PATTERN_ELEMENT | 2 | element; useMundanePositions; useAsc; useMC |
Counts the number of horoscope factors in a given element. Weighted sum with mundane positions and inclusion of ASC and MC are optional. |
ResonancePattern | AP_PATTERN_RESONANCE | 3 | useTransits; useReturns; useReceptions; useMundanePositions |
Resonances with the reference horoscope – see detailed description in the Users' guide. |
HousePosPattern | AP_PATTERN_HOUSE_POS | 4 | astroObjectID; houseBitMask |
Planet, house cusp or midpoint given by astroObjectID is positioned in one of the houses given by the houseBitMask |
SignPosPattern | AP_PATTERN_SIGN_POS | 5 | astroObjectID; signBitMask |
Planet, house cusp or midpoint given by astroObjectID is positioned in one of the signs given by the signBitMask |
AspectPattern | AP_PATTERN_ASPECT | 6 | astroObjectID1; aspectID; astroObjectID2 |
If, according to the customizing, there is an aspect between the two Astro Objects, the Pattern retrieves its strength. |
PosInArcPattern | AP_PATTERN_PLANET_IN_ARC | 7 | astroObjectID; from; to |
Tests whether the specified Astro Object has an ecliptical longitude in the Range between the two double-precision values from and to. |
ClusterPattern | AP_PATTERN_CLUSTER | 8 | clusterSize | Tests whether all the customized planets together span an arc of less than clusterSize degrees. Returns the tightness (difference of actual arc from clusterSize) as strength. |
CyclicIndexPattern | AP_PATTERN_CYCLIC_INDEX | 9 | ||
AndPattern | AP_PATTERN_AND | 10 | Combine several Patterns with the logical and operator. Can only be defined with special, designated API functions. | |
OrPattern | AP_PATTERN_OR | 11 | Combine several Patterns with the logical or operator. Can only be defined with special, designated API functions. | |
WeightedSumPattern | AP_PATTERN_WEIGHTED_SUM | 12 | Combine several Patterns by forming a weighted sum. Can only be defined with special, designated API functions. | |
NegatedPattern | AP_NEGATED_PATTERN | 13 | Takes the complement of the given Pattern function. Can only be defined with special, designated API functions. | |
FreePattern | AP_FREE_PATTERN | 14 | Use an external score function. Pattern can only be defined with a special, designated API function. |